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Kids Can Be Flaky (But There’s Hope!)

Kids Can Be Flaky (But There’s Hope!)

Aside from Hugh Jackman, one of the best exports out of Australia is the all-around wonder product: tea tree oil. You may have heard of this distinctive ingredient that has been used for hundreds of years as a natural cure for a myriad of health issues, but you probably haven’t heard about the benefits for [...]

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Little Thanksgiving Helpers

Little Thanksgiving Helpers

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to get the kids involved. Not only is it great bonding time, but they feel proud of what they’ve accomplished. So get out the mini-aprons and gather the gang in the kitchen, and try one of these Cozy approved meals.   Sage Cornbread Stuffing Recipe To make this kid friendly, [...]

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Turkey Time Results!

Turkey Time Results!

We asked, and boy, did you come through! A great big thank you to everyone who lent us a hand with our first annual Thanksgiving Turkey Hand program. You raided your craft closets and pulled out all the stops to produce a very impressive rafter of turkeys! (Yes, that's the name of a group of [...]

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Dance Like a Girl

Here’s a big dose of pure happiness for you and proof that lightning sometimes strikes twice. You may have already heard of 11-year-old hip hop dance phenom Taylor Hatala. She’s been shaking up the Internet with her mind-blowing moves to songs like “Shake It Off” and “Ananconda,” but recently we discovered that Taylor is a [...] The post Dance Like a Girl appeared first on SoCozy.

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Meet Willow the Elf

Meet Willow the Elf

#willowonashelf   No matter your position on the Elf on the Shelf phenomenon of recent years (you know, the most polarizing topic since Obamacare), we have a feeling that everybody can come together and get behind photographer Gina Lee’s take on it. She’s been dressing her grinny toddler Willow as the mischievous elf and documenting the fun. [...]  

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Cozy’s List of Holiday Must Haves

Cozy’s List of Holiday Must Haves

The holidays are here and the shopping ritual has begun, with that ever daunting question going around in your head, what does everybody want? Another scarf for your mother-in-law, more socks and underwear for your husband and that’s only the beginning. With a gift list that seems to grow and grow every year, we decided [...]

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Better To Give Than Receive

Better To Give Than Receive

‘Tis the season to think about giving back, and you don’t have to look too far to find some great examples and inspiration, even right on the street. Mark Bustos is an A-list celebrity hairstylist in New York, who spends his Sundays out on the street giving free haircuts to homeless men. Carrying his own [...]

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Real Cozy: Healthy Resolutions

Real Cozy: Healthy Resolutions

I’m not normally one for resolutions at New Years. I’m more of the mindset that I’m a constant work in progress. But in the spirit of the season I have made a commitment to cooking more at home. My family of four, has a super busy schedule which is a challenge in and of itself. This [...]

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Cozy’s Guide to Juicing

I heard that juicing detoxes your insides until they sparkle. Naturally, I did my research, talked to my friends and started my first cleanse 5 years ago. People have a lot of opinions about juice cleanses, but I can only share my experience. First, to set the record straight, I don’t do this to lose [...] The post Cozy’s Guide to Juicing appeared first on SoCozy.

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